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Skidmore College
Geosciences Department


bannerGeoscience is the study of planet Earth, its materials, the processes that act upon them, and the history of the planet and its life forms since its origin. The mission of Skidmore's geosciences program is to apply the understanding of Earth processes to contemporary issues such as Earth resources, land-use planning, and global change. The program's curriculum includes ocean and atmospheric sciences, Earth surface processes, and the history of global change. Our courses are designed for students with a general interest in the geosciences as well as for students planning to pursue a graduate degree. We accomplish this mission by providing an environment in which students acquire sound scientific problem-solving, research, and communication skills. Geoscience students obtain a strong foundation for lifelong learning, professional development in the geosciences, and enhanced career opportunities in other fields that require a broadly based background in this discipline. A liberal arts degree in geosciences prepares a student for a number of professional activities related to resource management, climatology, oceanography, hydrology, Earth hazards, land-use planning, earth science teaching, and environmental consulting. Our department contributes to the broader mission of the college by providing courses that enhance student awareness of, and appreciation for, Earth's dynamic systems and the scientific methodologies by which they are understood. Our program complements and is complemented by Environmental Studies and Sciences in additional to other natural sciences.

Jennifer T. Cholnoky

Jennifer T. Cholnoky

Department Chair of Geosciences
Senior Lecturer

Office: CIS 280A
Phone: (518) 580-8127

Suraj Bajgain Headshot

Suraj K. Bajgain

Visiting Assistant Professor

Office: CIS 280C
Phone: (518) 580-5192

Amy Frappier

Amy Frappier

Associate Professor

Office: CIS 280D
Phone: (518) 580-8371

Richard H. Lindemann

Richard H. Lindemann

Emeritus Professor
Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Paleobiology


Kyle Nichols

Kyle Nichols

Associate Professor, Geomorphology, Quaternary Geology, Hydrology

Office: CIS 280B
Phone: (518) 580-5194